I saw these planters cum bollards at Sentosa near iFly recently and was struck by how thoughtful and ingenuous the landscaping team at Sentosa is.
They obviously needed bollards to prevent traffic from entering a certain area. Instead of going with the usual black and yellow or even stainless steel ones, they fashioned the bollards out of these rustic planters.
For those of you out there who are more into DIY, I think these are totally do-able.
All you need is an ugly simple pot, or may be an old one that you’ve grown bored of, some rope, a plant, and you’ve got yourself a pretty planter.
You probably also need some strong glue to fix the rope to the pot.
And this is actually perfect for our modern gardens and balconies. Planting in pots are easier, as you can replace plants by simply removing the pot. They are mobile, so you can shift them whenever the need arises, such as when you’re entertaining and need more space.
These planters make great screens at our balconies too. We all know our apartments these days are so very close to our neighbours’. These planters provide you with much needed privacy should you decide to practise your yoga at the balcony.
You can plant some jasmine like they did here, or even go with periwinkle, bougainvillea, or even herbs like rosemary.
If you decide to make these, do share your journey and tips with us!